HRAIT – Employment Agency

High-class and middle-class career transition support

Your career change will make
the company's leap possible

Exclusive for High-class and Middle-class

Information about job change assistance

Strong Point

An agent team specializing in high-class and middle-class professionals

A specialized agent team with advanced expertise and experience in career transition support for high-class and middle-class professionals will assist you in your job change journey. They are well-versed in industry trends and demands, and will propose the best-suited companies and positions based on your career goals.

Original company
database and network

We possess a proprietary company database and an extensive network. Our top priority is to prioritize the growth of your career and directly propose positions that match your abilities and experience to top executives of partner companies.

Career transition support focused on annual income of 80K or higher

High-class and middle-class career transition support is specially designed for eligible job seekers. It focuses on high-paying positions with an annual income of 80K or higher, providing carefully selected job opportunities that match your experience and skills, aiming to maximize your financial success.

Examples of career transition support targets


hrait corporate hierarchy

Executive-level positions

CEO/Chief Executive Officer, Chairman, President, Vice President, Executive Officer, Partner

Top executives by job function

CFO/Chief Financial Officer, CIO/Chief Information Officer, CMO/Chief Marketing Officer, CTO/Chief Technology Officer, CHRO/Chief Human Resources Officer, CSO/Chief Strategy Officer

Supervisory/Overseeing executive level

Senior Director, Executive Director, Division Manager, Section Leader, Plant Manager, Regional Manager

Manager and Director level

Director, Project Director, Program Director, Operations Director, Sales Director, Manufacturing Director

Upper and middle-level management

Assistant Director, Project Manager, Program Manager, Operations Manager, Sales Manager, Manufacturing Manager


Hiring Process


1-Member Registration

First, we kindly ask you to register as a member with us. By registering as a member, we will be able to understand your career and job change preferences in detail, allowing us to provide you with the most suitable job opportunities.


Dedicated career counselors will conduct a detailed hearing about your career goals, skill set, and preferences. They will accurately understand your needs and provide support for the most suitable career transition.

3-Job Referral

We will utilize our unique company database and extensive network to introduce job opportunities that match your profile. We will also support your job search process smoothly, including interview preparation.

4-Job Offer and Recruitment

If you proceed to the final stages of the hiring process, we will support you in negotiating and adjusting the conditions between you and the company. After the acceptance of the job offer, we will also provide assistance with the onboarding process and preparation of necessary documents.

provide comprehensive support


Our dedicated agents provide not only job introductions but also various support for you to secure your ideal job, all of which are offered “free of charge.” The following are some examples of that support.

high-paying job opportunities

High-end Jobs

At HRAIT, we handle numerous high-paying job opportunities for career advancement. Here are some of them that we would like to introduce.



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Purchasing Manager|Japanese food trading company

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営業部副社長 (Vice President of Sales)




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