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Blue Ribbon Restaurants|求人・採用情報
Blue Ribbon採用実績|求人情報|就職サポート

Blue Ribbon Restaurants

Let's Work Together

About Us

Blue Ribbon Restaurants|1992年創業から全米の都市に拡大を続けるモダンでカジュアルなSushiレストラン|求人・採用情報

Modern, casual sushi restaurant that has been expanding to cities across the US since its establishment in 1992

Blue Ribbon Restaurants began in 1992 on a quiet street on the edge of Soho in New York City, thanks to the founder's love of food, drink and architectural design. By providing an exceptional and authentic dining experience, the restaurants have continued to expand, first to New York City and then to cities across the country. Today, the company has modern and distinctive styles, such as Sushi Restaurant, Sushi Bar & Girll and Fried Chicken Restaurant restaurants in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boston, Philadelphia and Nashville, all inspired by their surroundings. Restaurant, Sushi Bar & Girll and Fried Chicken Restaurant, all inspired by their surroundings. Blue Ribbon Restaurants, together with its 30 employees and partners who have been with the company for more than 20 years, is committed to providing a comfortable, blissful and enjoyable dining experience for its customers and staff. Today, Blue Ribbon Restaurants is committed to creating a pleasant, blissful experience for its customers and staff.

Why Work With Us



Work in Growing

Continuing expansion offers many opportunities to take up positions of your choice.


High Salary

Sushi chefs, who are the signatures in the restaurant, can earn particularly high.



Hone your skills in a modern, fashionable and popular restaurant running for 30 years.

Blue Ribbon Restaurants|成長企業で経験|求人・採用情報
Blue Ribbon Restaurants|ハイサラリー|求人・採用情報
Blue Ribbon Restaurants|歴史ある人気店|求人・採用情報

Find Your Future

Job Listing

Executive Chef / Sushi Chef

An upscale sushi restaurant with locations throughout the United States in Los Angeles, CA location has an opening for a...

Sushi Chef

American Sushi Restaurant in Manhattan, New York, is seeking to fill the position of Head Sushi Chef and Sushi Chef. ...

Sushi Chef

American Sushi Restaurant in Los Angeles, California is seeking to fill the position of Head Sushi Chef and Sushi Chef....

Sushi Chef

American Sushi Restaurant in Boston, Massachusetts is seeking to fill the position of Head Sushi Chef and Sushi Chef. ...

Sushi Chef

American Sushi Restaurant in Miami, Florida is seeking to fill the position of Head Sushi Chef and Sushi Chef. <Re...

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