HRAIT – Employment Agency

Fish Import


A major fresh fish import company located in New Jersey is looking for an import manager to join their team.

Established in 1980, this company has a long history of providing fresh, high quality products.

<Job Description>

・Sorting in the warehouse and preparing for the next day’s work during training
・Preparing import documents
・Wrapping up orders
・Collecting and sharing seasonal information
・Other matters related to import and sales of fresh fish


・Fish lover welcome
・Bilingual welcome
・Japanese reading comprehension
・Must be able to drive to our headquarters in Jersey City. There is no transportation around.

雇用形態Employment Status Full-time
募集職種Position Import Operations
使用言語Language English, Japanese
勤務時間Working Hours Early morning start at 3:30 a.m.
*Adjusted to 40 hours per week depending on the nature of the work (35 to 40 hours during training)
*Working hours are subject to change.
給与Salary Annual salary $30K+ (to be determined after interview based on experience)
待遇・福利厚生Benefit ・Insurance (health, dental, and life insurance)

・Sick leave

Apply for this position

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